Are you wasting countless hours and dollars, spinning your wheels & feeling frustrated, and buying one product after another... without ever seeing any real results online?
Get Ready to Start Making Money Online with
Proven Step-by-Step "Start to Profit" Training!
I'm Lynn Terry, author of I quit my last "real job" in 1996 and
I've been working from home and online full-time for more than 17 years. My
online revenue is my sole source of income, and has allowed me to have a FUN
and rewarding career and also create an amazing lifestyle for my family!
By popular demand, I finally decided to teach my own step-by-step process
for starting and running a successful niche business online. You'll love how fast
my "Niche Success Blueprint" training modules help you make money online!

Now you can finally get the help you need so you can have
a FUN online business that actually makes you money!

If you can relate to what Linda said above, you'll be really glad you landed
on this page. I'll help you stop spinning your wheels and get started today!
I've often said that a step-by-step blueprint for creating a profitable online business was practically impossible to find (or create) because of the constant changes and evolution of the web. I'm always getting asked to share exactly what I do and how I do it, so I decided to teach my own (proven) methods in great detail this year. The question was HOW? ...
After much thought, I came up with a workable method to create and deliver this training so that it will be both timely and relevant, with the absolute most current strategies (that I'm using myself). This training will walk you through the "detailed how-to steps" (that actually work today) so you can finally have a profitable money-making online business - in the fastest way possible!

This "Niche Success Blueprint" is not just about Affiliate Marketing, by the way. It's no secret that I'm a well-known Super Affiliate, but I've been really branching out in my own niches for the last few years, creating a wider variety of consistent and profitable revenue sources. I'll teach you how to do the exact same thing, and how to achieve TRUE long-term success in ANY niche.
Most "internet business courses" you'll find online are
Totally Outdated
in my opinion AND in my personal experience.
Things have changed dramatically over the years when it comes to starting or running an online business - successfully. Everything you may have learned about research, competitive analysis, and even niche selection has... changed! I can show you why, and also show you how these changes will give you a huge advantage in 2014 - and going forward. While most people are complaining, getting frustrated, throwing their hands up in the air, and even quitting(!)... I have been quietly leveraging all these changes. ;-)
There's something else you shoud really know...
Many (dare I say most?!) of the courses, guides, teachings, coaching offers, webinars, events, etc - are offered by people who are not actually doing what they teach. Ack! Make sure the person you choose to learn from has actual experience (and success) at what they are teaching YOU. This is one of the reasons you'll find so much outdated material and misinformation about Online Business on the internet - many people are just repeating what they've heard from others with no real personal experience (sadly).
If you're not familiar with me already, open a new tab and Google me (Lynn Terry) and/or ask around for feedback. I've been working online and "in the trenches" for 17+ years, and am well known for my success as a Professional Blogger and Super Affiliate.
Niche Success Blueprint teaches you what to do, why you should do it,
and exactly HOW to do it. Step by step.
You'll get to follow my own successful model every single step of the way...
Is The Niche Success Blueprint Ideal For YOU?
Niche Success Blueprint is a "start to profit" course, teaching you how to get started making money online from step one. It's great for total beginners if you are looking for a solid starting point without outdated material and ridiculous hype.
It's also ideal if you've been working online for some time now - but haven't quite figured out "the secret sauce", or you're not making the money online that you expected to by now. You'll get my fresh new strategies every week, so you can work through every single step of setting up YOUR profitable online business and/or getting your current biz into profit as fast as possible.
What You Can Expect:

The course will run on weekly modules for an entire year, keeping you on track and moving forward toward maximum niche profit potential. Of course you'll start earning money much sooner, but I'll continue training you on more advanced strategies throughout your first year so you are fully prepared and equipped to be super successful in your niche! :)

I'm also a BIG believer in implementing as you go. There's no way to learn everything upfront (with the constantly evolving web), as things will be outdated by the time you "get ready". With Niche Success Blueprint you'll learn what you need to know, do what you need to do, and "learn as you go" so you can start earning money online faster.
No overwhelm, no learning unnecessary or outdated information, no time wasted. Just "easy to do" steps to build a successful online business in a profitable niche! And I'll be right there with you through your entire first year, all the way from start to profit. :-)

The program starts from the very beginning so it's ideal for a total beginner, but it will still be of interest to anyone in any niche that is looking to improve and grow their online business this year. Even the basics that are covered in the beginning will provide creative ideas and strategic tips for those with an established blog or business. Particularly in regards to creative new revenue sources, smart keyword targeting strategies, and dramatically improving conversions.
The first training module covers in-depth niche selection exercises, a bonus Business Objectives Worksheet and more. The second module covers how to research market depth, how to identify buyers in your niche, how to examine the “intent” of your market, and fresh/creative ways you can potentially serve that market.
All of this will help you narrow down your ideas and select the perfect niche for your online business. For established business owners, it will help you discover new ways to serve your market, target buyers specifically and strategically, and find new ways to increase your revenue more quickly.
You'll continue working through the process step-by-step with detailed tutorials and assignments every week from getting things set up properly, getting traffic, making sales, then move on to increasing your traffic & revenue consistently - week by week.
You'll benefit a lot from this course even if you already have your site or business set up. You'll learn important tweaks that can make a big difference, research tricks that open up tons of creative ideas for getting more traffic and making more money, and of course discover how to take your site to maximum profit potential as quickly as possible.
While it's ideal if you want to get started and actually start making money this year - by creating a real business online with long-term profit potential - it's also ideal for you if you're not yet seeing the traffic or income you would like.
Q: Will we need to have or purchase certain tools to complete any of your tasks? There are some very good, but expensive keyword searching tools, as well for other tasks, on the market and I was wondering if you are recommending we purchase any of those?
A: No, I don't use a lot of add-ons, software, or expensive tools in MY business. I like to keep it simple, and I'll show you exactly what I do use, why, and more importantly: how I use it. Everything I do is easy, free, inexpensive and totally organic! :-)
My goal is to have you IN PROFIT fast, with a successful online business...
If you're ready to FINALLY have a profitable, fun, successful online business then go ahead and sign up so you can start today!
There are 52 training modules in this course, delivered weekly each Friday for a full year. Your course will begin today when you sign up. The price? A total no-brainer: It's only $37/month or $199/year.
The one-time payment is obviously a much better deal, as it comes out to around $16.59/month - which is a huge $245 savings!
You'll receive your first training module instantly so you can get started as soon as today. It's a FUN, easy course that you'll actually enjoy! This is a highly detailed blueprint, very step-by-step, super easy to follow and implement, and of course it's insanely affordable.
A Sample of What You Can Expect...
Real Niche Examples
You'll get to see actual live examples from profitable niche sites. You won't just get theory or fluff, but real strategies via working examples, broken down in great detail.
Creative Monetization Strategies
It's important to have multiple sources of revenue, and a variety of revenue types. You'll learn how to find out what YOUR market wants to buy, and fresh creative ways to monetize your site too!
SMART Brainstorming Exercises
You won't be wasting any time with the helpful brainstorming exercises that guide you into making smart choices each step of the way, without getting distracted with unnecessary details.
Step-by-Step Instructions
I won't just show you what you need to do, but exactly HOW to do it, with step by step instructions and visual examples that make it a total breeze to do. No more spinning your wheels!
How To Target Buyers
Smart business owners target the buyers in their niche. Will your visitors buy products, or how to find those buyers and put products in front of them? You'll learn this VERY early on!
Easy Content Creation Methods
You'll LOVE my fast, simple content creatiostrategies. :) You'll have endless content ideas -plus- proven outlines for creating content that get clicks & makes sales...
Order Today... and Get Started Today!
Ready to FINALLY have a profitable, fun, successful online business? Sign up now so you can start today!
Order the complete step-by-step weekly course for a one-time
payment of only $199 above to save $245 and avoid recurring
monthly payments. Or pay as you go for just $37/month:
The course runs for 52 weeks, with new training modules delivered
every week. Save $245 with the one-time payment, or pay monthly.
2014 Testimonials Here's What Other's Are Saying...
Logical, Practical, Easy
This course is wonderful. It is logical, practical, well written and easy to understand... -Johanna
Thorough & Detailed
It's what I needed; a thorough, detailed tutorial for getting my blog up and running again! -Gene
This course is awesome! You explain everything we need to do step by step plus you make it easy to understand.
A Checklist Course
Easy to read & understand, plenty of live examples. All I have to do is mark things off as I go... Awesome! -Debi
Not Overwhelming...
The modules are well written and cover the topic, but not too much information that they're overwhelming. -Peter
Honest Mentor
I'm so excited to be a part of this training. I finally feel a sense of direction and connection to a real, honest mentor! -Kathryn
Genuis Blueprint!
The weekly modules are genuis! Bite sized, step by step extremely detailed training that is focused on your success. -Shelley
Recipe For Success
I'm loving this course. It works just like following a recipe. The site will develop each week as the course unfolds.. .great stuff. -Bo
DOing, Not Reading!
I love that I am “doing” as I go and not just “reading” and then trying to figure it out from there. -Cynthia
Easy Techniques
Definitely the 20% that you need to know to bring you 80% of the results! -Lee
This course rocks! I am loving the work as you go process. This is just what I needed. -Celeste
Fresh, Creative Ideas!
I already had a website I've worked on for a year and your course is teaching me news ways to expand it. -Vic

I look forward to teaching you the successful methods & strategies I use myself, and helping YOU start a successful online business and/or take your existing site to Maximum Profit Potential!
Lynn Terry
p.s. What are you waiting for? If you've been wanting to make money online, or already have a site but want to figure out how to make GOOD money with it, now is the time to get started. Just scroll up and order, and you'll have your first module in minutes!

There's NO reason you can't do the same. Starting today! :)
p.p.s. I'm confident you'll love the Niche Success Blueprint as much as everyone else has so far. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. If for some reason you feel this training series is not for you, I will happily refund your purchase within the first 30 days, which gives you plenty of time to study it in detail and start seeing results. (You can reply to your weekly lesson email anytime to reach me directly.)
Questions? You can reach Lynn Terry via email at

Legal Disclaimer: By law I cannot imply, promise, suggest, project or guarantee anything related to your earnings or lack of, with respect to your purchase of the Niche Success Blueprint course. While I truly believe anyone can follow the steps offered and earn money online by applying them as presented, your results will depend on a variety of factors outside my control including your: work ethic, motivation, desire, business practices and the time you invest.